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Event Detail

VI Ethno Fest Budapest-Oct.2024




VI International Folklore Festival “Ethno Fest Budapest”

Date: 24 – 27 October, 2024

Location: Budapest, Hungary



Budapest is the biggest city and the economic, historic, cultural and touristic capital of Hungary. It is a city on either side of the majestic Danube: Buda, with its romantic streets and alleyways, and Pest, an effervescent cultural center. Budapest is a city of thermal baths, striking turn-of-the-century architecture, classical music, cultural monuments and vibrant nightlife.



Folk dance ensembles, choirs, vocal groups, musical orchestras.


All ages.


Preliminary Program:


Participation fee:

3* hotels:


4* hotels:



Participation fee includes:


Participation fee does not include:


Very important:

If you are interested in participating in the festival, please send an e-mail to info@megaartsm.com as soon as possible. You should also provide us with the history of your group, 3 - 5 photos and a video clip or link where we can see performances of your group. It is necessary that all approved groups bring to the festival the flag of their country and the board with the name of the group. During the festival, participants will have 1 or 2 performances. All groups must provide their own music, orchestra or USB/CD.

All participants of the festival must have their own international health insurance. Each group leader is responsible for the behavior of his group in accordance with the hotel policy and program of the festival and all damages during the festival will be at the cost of the group.

The organizer of the festival reserves all rights to video and photos of all participants. Also, the organizer reserves the right to any changes in the program, and participants will be informed on time. By applying you confirm that you accept all festival conditions.



VI Međunarodni festival folklora "Etno fest Budimpešta"

Datum: 24 – 27. oktobar 2024. godine

Lokacija: Budimpešta, Mađarska



Budimpešta je najveći grad i prestonica Mađarske, njen industrijski, ekonomski, kulturni, obrazovni i turistički centar. Grad se razvio na obe obale reke Dunav, odnosno nastao je spajanjem brdovitog Budima, na desnoj i ravne Pešte, na levoj obali najpoznatije evropske reke. Budimpešta je grad prirodnih termalnih banja, veoma interesantne arhitekture, klasične muzike, mnogobrojnih kulturnih spomenika i bogatog noćnog života.


Učesnici festivala:

Folklorni ansambli, horovi, grupe pevača, muzički orkestri.



Sve kategorije.


Okvirni program:



Hoteli sa 3*:


Hoteli sa 4*:



Participacija uključuje:                                                                                


U cenu nisu uključeni:



Ukoliko ste zainteresovani za učešće na festivalu, molimo vas da nam putem mejla info@megaartsm.com dostavite istorijat vaše grupe, 3-5 fotografija i video klip ili link na kome se vidi nastup grupe. Učesnici festivala su dužni da ponesu zastavu svoje zemlje, kao i tablu sa nazivom grupe koju predstavljaju. Tokom trajanja festivala učesnici će imati 1 ili 2 nastupa. Poželjno je da svaka grupa dođe sa svojim orkestrom ili da obezbedi CD/USB sa muzikom za svoj nastup. Sva prava na video materijal i fotografije, zadržava organizator festivala.

Svaki učesnik festivala mora biti osiguran. Svaki vođa grupe odgovoran je za ponašanje svoje grupe u skladu sa pravilima objekta u kom su smešteni i programom festivala.

Organizator zadržava prava na određene promene, a učesnici festivala će biti o tome na vreme obavešteni. Prijavom potvrđujete da prihvatate uslove festivala.